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Friday, May 20, 2022

If you could master one money making skill what would it be?


Focus is what will determine the outcome of your life. 
Here are 5 steps to mastering your focus…

1) Craft A Vision For Your Future

Write down:
How much money do you want to make
How you want to look
Where you want to live
What you want to do for work
What kind of partner you want to marry

Spend time on this.
Write it all out.
Will you get it 100% right at first?
Doing this at least lets you make forward, positive progress.
It will reveal what you don’t want.
Reflect. Revise your vision. Repeat for life.

2) Turn Your Vision Into Goals

Set goals:
A 5 year goal
A 1 year goal
Monthly goals
Weekly goals
This will make your vision more achievable.
This will reduce procrastination from taking action.
You are narrowing your focus.
People thrive when there are specific goals.
Every wealthy person has goals.

3) Break Weekly Goals Into Priority Tasks

Don’t know how to reach that goal?

Teach yourself:
Join FB Groups (like this one!)
Follow social media accounts
Watch videos
Listen to podcasts
Buy courses
Read books
Make learning a habit.
Move from theory to practice to mastery.

4) Block Out Time For Deep Work

Block out a 2-4 hour time window to work on your priority tasks from step #3.

Schedule these deep work blocks when you have the most energy in the day.
For me. I do deep work first thing in the morning.

Here is my deep work routine:
Plan tasks the night before
Get 7-8 hours of quality sleep
Morning breathe work
Turn my phone off
Work for 4 one-hour blocks.
Eat and go for a walk
Finish tasks with another 1-2 hour blocks

5) Make It A Habit

You don’t rise to the level of your goals.
You will fall to the level of your habits.
Make your deep work routine a habit.
This is how you build momentum.
This is how you generate wealth.

Recap - How To Master Your Focus

1) Craft your future vision
2) Turn your vision into goals
3) Break goals into priority tasks
4) Schedule time blocks for deep work
5) Make it deep work a habit

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